Jul 2022 | Haarlem | Red Bull
Fierljeppen is a traditional sport in the Netherlands of the West Frisian people. Although especially famous in the Dutch province of Fryslân, it has grown in popularity with spectators and participants from various countries! The goal of Fierste Ljepper is to reach as far as possible from one starting point to another, all while crossing a canal – or a body of water, by vaulting oneself and climbing on a pole rod often ranging from 8 – 13m high! On the 31st of July 2022, Red Bull organized the Fierste Ljepper Competition. This time around in Haarlem, just near the BinnenSpaarne.
Backbone was tasked with the technical design, technical production, and overlay- and production management of the entire event in close collaboration with Red Bull. Among other things, our team built a 26m long, 2.5e wide ramp that was holding itself 3m above the water. In addition, Backbone handled all the video screens, audio techniques, fencing, temporary tents and food & beverage stands. On top of this, we placed 98 tons of sand on the pontoon platform for the participants to land upon vaulting.
Official event photos: Red Bull | Tom Doms